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The government started to work on the “Territorial Development Strategy Review” (TDSR) in the 1990s. It first identified the potential for strategic growth in the North East New Territories (NENT). The government continued to discuss the planning of the NENT and carried out various studies regarding the district. In 2008, the North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study was carried out jointly by the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) and the Planning Department (PlanD). The study formulated a framework for planning and development of the Kwu Tung North (KTN) and Fanling North (FLN) New Development Areas (NDAs).

The KTN and FLN NDAs cover a total area of approximately 612 ha. It is expected that the NDAs will be able to accommodate a population of over 190,000, as well as to create about 40,000 new job opportunities. Both public and private housing, basic infrastructure and community facilities will be provided, so as to establish a diverse community.

Overall Objectives and Opportunities

The KTN and FLN NDAs will be carefully planned as “people-oriented” districts. They will take up an essential role in strategic development and will create a sustainable living environment. One of the objectives of the NDAs is to provide approximately 87 ha of housing land supply which will contribute to the provision of about 72,000 new residential flats in order to accommodate an estimated population of 193,700. Moreover, the NDAs will cater for various land uses. For instance, there will be lands reserved for research and development use in KTN NDA, as well as for the “Business and Technology Park” sites along Fanling Highway. The NDAs also aims to provide over 40,000 new jobs covering the commercial, retail and community services sectors. In this way, the NDAs are expected to stimulate the economic development.

Another benefit brought by the development of the KTN and FLN areas is the enhancement of the transport network. Proposed works related to the transport network include the construction of the MTR Kwu Tung Station, which will enhance the accessibility of the Kwu Tung area, allowing a more convenient living environment for the existing residents as well as the planned population in the district. Another proposed work is the construction of Fanling Bypass, which will connect to Kwu Tung area, FLN area, Sha Tau Kok Road and Fanling Highway of Route 9. It is anticipated to improve the traffic conditions in the Fanling and Sheung Shui areas.

The development plan also focuses on environment protection. A green living environment will be created through different means, ensuring that the development plan will do least harm to the environment. For example, the development of the NDAs will adopt a rail-based approach in order to reduce road traffic. Meanwhile, the core zone of Long Valley is proposed to be zoned as Nature Park, so as to provide a long-term conservation of the natural environment. These environmental measures will help create a sustainable and green community in the NDAs.

Design Features

To make the NDAs not only convenient but also distinctive, various design elements are incorporated in the planning. Based on their own unique urban design themes, the KTN NDA is characterized into nine areas, including the “Research and Development Area”, the “North Residential Area” and the “Town Centre”; while the FLN NDA is characterized into four areas, including the “Government Facilities Zone”, the “Civic and Recreation Area” and more.

Besides, sufficient land has been designated for diverse uses. Government, Institution or Community (G/IC) facilities, parks, various open spaces, pedestrian and cycle track system will be provided to the public. As for the design, a stepped building height profile will be adopted, while high density residential and commercial developments will be clustered within 500 metres from railway stations or public transport interchange. Through adopting these measures, the residential and pedestrian environment will be further enhanced.

Apart from the urban design, emphasis will also be placed on the natural landscape in the NDAs. Proposed works regarding the landscape include the construction of promenade and riverside parks, which will be connected to the existing resources and open spaces such as the North District Sports Ground and the North District Park. A unique, comprehensive, as well as inter-related landscape system will be created, allowing the public an enjoyable community featuring exceptional landscape design.

KTN FLN New Development Area Website
Development Bureau Website

Complimentary copies available to members of the following associations:

The Hong Kong Construction Association
Macau Coustruction Association
Hong Kong General Building Contractors Association
Hong Kong Institute of Utility Specialists
China Hongkong Society for Trenchless Technology Association
Hong Kong Construction Materials Association Limited
Contractor's Authorised Signatory Association
Hong Kong Construction Machinery Association